So you end up with messaging and event-driven architecture. You also have heard about event sourcing and applied this principle in a few places in your code. Everything seems to be working perfectly, you are about to perform the first release and you’ve decided to change the structure of one event. The event you have changed was both used for state reconstruction (event sourcing) and integration (event-driven architecture). Due to that change, out of a sudden, your acceptance environment stopped working… “How come?! I have only changed an implementation detail in my cool event-sourced domain!” said the senior developer. In this talk, we will chat about how to work with events that are used as integration messages in your system. We will tackle content-negotiation, versioning and acceptance tests. There will be a lot of Spring Cloud stack and we will see how we can benefit from Consumer Driven Contracts when NOT using REST APIs.
Consumer driven contracts (CDC) are like TDD applied to the API. It's especially important in the world of microservices. Since it's driven by consumers, it's much more user friendly. Of course microservices are really cool, but most people do not take into consideration plenty of potential obstacles that should be tackled. Then instead of frequent, fully automated deploys via a delivery pipeline, you might end up in an asylum due to frequent mental breakdowns caused by production disasters. We will write a system using the CDC approach together with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Contract. We'll show you how easy it is to write applications that have a consumer driven API and that will allow a developer to speed up the time of writing his better quality software. The presentation will consist of some theory but there'll also be live coding and demos.
Marcin Grzejszczak Staff Software Engineer, Pivotal
Author of "Mockito Instant" and "Mockito Cookbook" books. Co-author of Applied Continuous Delivery Live Lessons. Co-founder of the Warsaw Groovy User Group and Warsaw Cloud Native Meetup. Lead of Spring Cloud Sleuth, Spring Cloud Contract and Spring Cloud Pipelines projects at Pivotal
Podczas tej sesji przekonamy się czy niecała godzina wystarczy, aby utworzyć od zera niebanalną chmurową aplikację. Aplikację, która będzie w pełni skalowalna, będzie wysokiej dostępności, będzie składała się z niezależnych mikrousług, nierelacyjnej bazy danych, będzie wykorzystywała takie elementy Sztucznej Inteligencji jak konwersja tekstu na mowę, analiza obrazów i z którą na końcu będziemy w stanie porozumieć się za pomocą głosu. A wszystko to z pomocą usług Serverless!
Tomasz Stachlewski Starszy architekt systemów chmurowych, Amazon Web Services
Na co dzień doradza klientom w tworzeniu architektur systemów, które mają zostać zmigrowane lub utworzone w chmurze AWS i w pełni wykorzystywać możliwości jakie niesie ze sobą chmura. Doradza wielu wiodącym firmom (począwszy od startupów po korporacje) z różnych branż tj. IT, telekomunikacja, finanse i inne. Prowadzi szkolenia dla polskich i zagranicznych partnerów podczas których przekazuje w jaki sposób firmy powinny korzystać z chmury, jak powinna wyglądać ich droga z tradycyjnej infrastruktury do infrastruktury chmurowej, aby zmaksymalizować korzyści z tego płynące
So you end up with messaging and event-driven architecture. You also have heard about event sourcing and applied this principle in a few places in your code. Everything seems to be working perfectly, you are about to perform the first release and you’ve decided to change the structure of one event. The event you have changed was both used for state reconstruction (event sourcing) and integration (event-driven architecture). Due to that change, out of a sudden, your acceptance environment stopped working… “How come?! I have only changed an implementation detail in my cool event-sourced domain!” said the senior developer. In this talk, we will chat about how to work with events that are used as integration messages in your system. We will tackle content-negotiation, versioning and acceptance tests. There will be a lot of Spring Cloud stack and we will see how we can benefit from Consumer Driven Contracts when NOT using REST APIs.
Jakub Pilimon Principal Technologist, Pivotal
Jakub is Spring Developer Advocate at Pivotal, blogger, passionate programmer and trainer. He loves to tackle complex enterprises with Domain Driven Design, Test Driven Development and Spring. Being a microservice freak, architecture is his main area of interest too. When he does not program he rides motorbike, skis or grows his beard. Also, here is his DZone MVB awarded blog:
Podczas sesji pokażę w jaki sposób Google Cloud Platform upraszcza przetwarzanie dużych zbiorów danych.Opowiem jak Google łączy technologie open-source z własnymi rozwiązaniami, tworząc prostą w użyciu i przyjazną developerom platformę analityczną. Następnie zapoznamy się z kluczowymi usługami w tym zakresie, w tym BigQuery, Dataproc i Cloud Composer. Na koniec przyjrzymy się produktom Google w zakresie uczenia maszynowego.
Włodek Bielski CEO, Pure Company
Włodek Bielski jest doświadczonym architektem rozwiązań analitycznych, specjalizującym się w platformach chmurowych Google Cloud i Microsoft Azure. Doświadczenie zdobywał pracując na rzecz międzynarodowych firm, głównie w sektorach FMCG, Retail i e-Commerce. Interesuje się najnowszymi trendami w analityce danych, w tym Big Data i uczeniem maszynowym. Obecnie CEO w spółce Pure Company, która specjalizuje się w rozwiązaniach analitycznych w chmurze.
You may ask yourself, what can be interesting in opening file? In Java? Welcome to the land of false assumptions, deadly dangerous illusions, superstitions and mis-believes, where ignorance is bliss. Modern OSs offer many ways to work with files, the only universal and ultimate abstraction, because everything is a file. During this talk I am going to walk us through how Java maps this behavior, how it treats file handles and which IO access patterns work is certain cases and why it sometimes explodes in the middle of the night. I can promise there will be a lot about syscalls, some performance numbers and little bit of JNI. If you think it is boring you can always go to another talk about hundred of ways how to inject object into object. If you have never heard about vectored IO, memory mapped files, direct IO or zero copy IO I am sure you will have loads of fun watching me trying compile all of examples.
Jarosław Pałka Architekt, Allegro
Od ponad 10 lat w branży IT, jako administrator baz danych, programista, architekt, manager i „inżynier od spraw katastrof”. Brałem udział w małych, średnich i nonsensownie dużych projektach, prowadzonych zgodnie zasadami „waterfall”, Agile oraz przy braku jakichkolwiek metodyk, z tym samym zawsze skutkiem. Co doprowadziło mnie do wniosku, że nie ważne co robisz tak długo, jak robisz to dobrze, w najprostszy z możliwych sposobów i używasz właściwych narzędzi które wykonają pracę za Ciebie. W międzyczasie dałem się porwać ideą TDD oraz Software Craftmanship, do granic możliwości wyeksploatować tak piękne w swej prostocie pomysły jak REST, JavaScript i NOSQL, by potem porzucić je by zgłębić tajniki "system thinking" i zachwycić się siłą jaką niesie z sobą "metafora" i odkryć, że rządzą nami te same prawa "natury". Od czasu do czasu można usłyszeć moje niskiej jakości żarty na temat architektury na konferencjach w Polsce. W chwilach wolnych członek SSEEP i autor bloga na
Podczas panelu opowiemy jak optymalnie wybrać sposób implementacji aplikacji w chmurze (maszyna wirtualna czy kontener, runtime czy może serverless), oraz pokażemy przykładowe wykorzystanie platformy chmurowej do szybkiego prototypowania aplikacji IoT.
Michał Kowalczyk Cloud Evangelist, IBM
Ewangelista chmury publicznej i hybrydowej, od kilku lat aktywnie projektujący i wdrażający środowiska chmurowe oparte o rozwiązania IBM, VMware, HyperV, OVM, a także rozwiązania Disaster Recovery. Posiadacz certyfikatów: Certified Cloud Advisor v5, Certified Cloud Architect - SoftLayer, VMware VCP, EMC Velocity Engineer, Netapp Certified Architect, Novascale Architect. W wolnym czasie projektant i użytkownik gier komputerowych.
Praktyczne porady i zero marketingowej ściemy. Podczas prezentacji dowiesz się jak zbudowałem całe rozwiązanie IT dla firmy logistycznej Mashkor w Kuwejcie. Od zera do działających produktów,CRM i backoffice. Możliwie szczegółowo zostanie pokazana architektura rozwiązania, zastosowane systemy, wzorce i metodyka pracy.
Kamil Brzeziński CTO, Mashkor
CTO w firmie logistycznej Mashkor oraz właściciel niezależnego studia gier Bold Pixel. Od wielu lat tworzył i zarządzał popularnymi aplikacjami mobilnymi na polskim rynku. Wcześniej pracował dla takich firm jak Microsoft, Edipresse, Agora, Grupa Allegro czy GG Network, w których wprowadzał na rynek pierwsze aplikacje mobilne (Gadu-Gadu, Allegro, Ceneo, LIVE, LIVE, Plotek itp.) często wyprzedzające trendy. Prelegent wielu konferencji poświęconych tematyce mobile i IT. Certyfikowany Scrum Master i Product Owner kochający zwinne metodyki wytwarzania oprogramowania. Autor kanałów na YouTube, na których opisuje relacje ludzi z technologiami. Wykładowca akademicki, konsultant i szkoleniowiec. Wielki fan chmury publicznej. Prywatnie pilot samolotów i ojciec trójki dzieci.
Azure daje nam potężny zbiór narzędzi pomagający w utrzymaniu naszej infrastruktury bezpiecznej. Jednym z zagadnień bezpieczeństwa jest zarządzanie hasłami. Podczas mojej sesji postaram się pokazać, w jaki sposób możemy używać najpopularniejszych usług Microsoft Azure dbając o bezpieczeństwo naszych haseł.
Emil Wasilewski Senior Azure Architect, Bystronic Laser AG
Microsoft Most Valuable Professional w kategorii Microsoft Azure od 2016 roku. Senior Azure Architect w szwajcarskiej firmie Bystronic Laser AG, w której odpowiedzialny jest za projektowanie i adopcję rozwiązań chmurowych. Lider warszawskiej społeczności w ramach Polskiej Grupy Użytkowników Microsoft Azure i jeden z liderów ogólnopolskich. Organizator konferencji oraz spotkań o tematyce Microsoft Azure. Certyfikowany trener i konsultant rozwiązań firmy Microsoft. Prywatnie miłośnik fotografii cyfrowej i amator wideofilmowania.
There is more to blockchain than Bitcoin, Ethereum and all the mining! Let's see how do these technologies can affect us, developers. This session starts with facts, establishing what blockchain, smart contracts and other concepts are. Armed with theory, we will showcase a 'smart contract' application, built in Java, with open source, then discuss applications, problems and consider implications of a contract being put 'out there' (and what is 'there') You will walk out understanding what a 'distributed ledger' is, knowing what to get from Github. And maybe an idea of an application, who knows? Let's now build those revolutions everybody is speaking about!
Andrzej Grzesik , Simudyne
ags likes distributed systems in all shapes and form. Coding since the age of 8, loves simplicity and continuous delivery. While he has written in many languages, he favours the JVM. Since "most software problems are people problems”, he stirs communities, organizes and speaks at conferences (proud to be a JavaONE Rockstar!). He is passionate about all things data, because science! In his spare time… cycling, photography and books. And he is a Java Champion!
Programowanie reaktywne umożliwia wiele niesamowitych rzeczy. Skalowalne systemy potrzebujące zaledwie ułamka mocy obliczeniowej i zasobów w porównaniu z klasyczną, blokującą aplikacją? Pewnie. Responsywny kod, ogromna przepustowość, niskie czasy odpowiedzi? Bez problemu. Niewielki narzut na pamięć i system? Z definicji. Dlaczego by nie kochać programowania reaktywnego i reaktywnych systemów? Podzielę się z Wami moimi doświadczeniami, kiedy reaktywność popłaca, ale zwłaszcza kiedy jest podejście przeinżynierowanym. Jakie są ukryte koszty i typowe błędy? Jak przekonać swój zespół do rozpoczęcia przygody z reaktywnością? I jeszcze ważniejsze, jak dostrzec, że ten styl architektoniczny to ślepa uliczka, więcej kłopotu niż pożytku? Na konkretnych przykładach.
Tomasz Nurkiewicz Java Champion, Allegro
Spent half of his life on programming, for the last decade professionally in Java land. Loves back-end and data visualization. Passionate about alternative JVM languages. Disappointed with the quality of software written these days (so often by himself!), hates long methods and hidden side effects. Interested in charting, data analysis and reporting.
Consumer driven contracts (CDC) are like TDD applied to the API. It's especially important in the world of microservices. Since it's driven by consumers, it's much more user friendly. Of course microservices are really cool, but most people do not take into consideration plenty of potential obstacles that should be tackled. Then instead of frequent, fully automated deploys via a delivery pipeline, you might end up in an asylum due to frequent mental breakdowns caused by production disasters. We will write a system using the CDC approach together with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Contract. We'll show you how easy it is to write applications that have a consumer driven API and that will allow a developer to speed up the time of writing his better quality software. The presentation will consist of some theory but there'll also be live coding and demos.
Olga Maciaszek-Sharma ,
Olga Maciaszek-Sharma is a Java and Groovy Developer. She has gained experience while working with microservices where cutting-edge solutions were used as well as with complex legacy systems, implementing both new business features and solutions aimed at improving the process of continuous deployment and setup of applications. Olga is also a contributor to various OSS projects: Spring Cloud Contract (formerly: Accurest), JFairy, Jenkins Pipeline Plugin, Jenkins Stash Pull Request Builder Plugin, and others. Before switching to development, she worked for more than 3 years as a Quality Assurance Engineer, specialized in test automation.
Containers have been used by programmers for years even without Ops being aware of it. What runs great on developers' laptop does not necessarily operate securely in production. How do you make sure that you fit your containers into your security policies? Kubernetes, that became a de facto standard for containers orchestration, allows extension of network interfaces in almost any cloud. We will have a look at a combination of Pivotal Container Services and NSX-T to allow enterprises to introduce containers into their Hybrid Cloud.
Jarosław Gajewski Lead Architect, Atos
Jarek is a Lead Architect for Digital Private Cloud product within Atos Global organization. Starting from 2013 when he implemented the first AtoS Private Cloud solution he has been continuously heavily involved in Cloud design until today. Double VMware Certified Implementation Expert (VCIX-CMA, VCIX-DCV) and Senior AtoS Expert Community member. Privately, IT and board game geek, husband and father of two daughters and a son.
Containers have been used by programmers for years even without Ops being aware of it. What runs great on developers' laptop does not necessarily operate securely in production. How do you make sure that you fit your containers into your security policies? Kubernetes, that became a de facto standard for containers orchestration, allows extension of network interfaces in almost any cloud. We will have a look at a combination of Pivotal Container Services and NSX-T to allow enterprises to introduce containers into their Hybrid Cloud.
Konrad Cłapa Lead Automation Architect, Private Cloud Development, Atos
Konrad is a Lead Automation Architect for Digital Private Cloud product within Atos Global organization and Senior Atos Expert Community member. He has successfully delivered first in the world VMware SDDC based cloud product in 2014. He also belongs to a small group of Double VMware Certified Design Experts (VCDX) in two domains: "Cloud Management and Automation" and "Data Center Virtualization". There is only a handful of individuals holding those certifications worldwide. Privately, fascinated with water sports and modernist cuisine. He is on a quest for perfectly executed Curve Gybe and perfectly cooked Rib Eye.
Oracle's next generation Cloud Infrastructure is the Foundation. Let's dig into the technical decisions that allowed Oracle make some really differentiated decisions in how we designed infrastructure; how we designed the network; and how we designed the software platform. We've come up with a wide range of services to make transition to the Cloud easier. Run Baremetal, VMs, Containers, ExaData in a high-performance network while deploying services with the same set of APIs. Stay with us and enjoy the journey to the Cloud.
Guillermo Ruiz EMEA Cloud Pursuit, Oracle
Guillermo brings more than 14 years of experience in design and hands-on involvement in the launch of new data center worldwide, system upgrades, disaster recovery planning and ongoing operational improvements for Fortune 500 companies. Since 2011 is deeply involved in Cloud initiatives and helping customers transition to the Cloud.
An application can only be tested successfully using test automation and executable specifications if the architecture is testable. The tests must be fast, reliable, and offer good diagnosis precision. They must also be easy to write, maintain, and execute. Tests without these properties will be abandoned after a while and the effort creating them will be lost. You will learn about a proven architecture style that offers testability and fast feedback in this session. We will examine an example using well known tools to achieve the goal of working software in production.
Thomas Sundberg Principal conslutant, developer, Think Code AB
With more than 25 years in software development, Thomas is an independent consultant based in Stockholm, Sweden. He has a Masters degree in Computer Science from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden’s leading technical university. After graduation, Thomas also taught at KTH. Thomas currently teaches Behaviour-Driven Development, BDD, with Aslak Hellesøy, the creator of Cucumber. Thomas has commit privileges on the open-source Cucumber project, and works in partnership with Cucumber Ltd. as well as Mozaic Works. As a consultant, trainer, and developer Thomas has created value for many teams around Europe. For the last ten years, Thomas has been an invited conference speaker at GeeCON, I T.A.K.E. Unconference, and European Testing Conference on topics including software craftsmanship, clean code, test automation, and continuous deployment. His blog at shares his obsessions with technical excellence, Test-Driven Development, TDD, and BDD.